"The MultiMotor ANPR AI will boost the performance of your ANPR system. "

Picture of Patrik Olsen

Hi, I'm Patrik Olsen, Product Manager for the MultiMotor ANPR AI.

This solution has now been in commercial operation for two years and more than 60 million images have been processed. The conclusion is clear; The MultiMotor ANPR AI creates substantial value for ANPR system owners and operators.

But as the saying goes; The proof of the pudding is in the eating. So why don't you find out for yourself. We'll give you straightforward onboarding and a free-of-charge trial period with full flexibility.

"Contact me for more information

MultiMotor ANPR AI

  • Increased profit

    Capture lost parkings and reduce manual work

  • Improved reputation

    Eliminate wrong charging and bad user experiences

  • Universal & simple

    Works with all systems with an easy, non-intrusive setup

  • Service

    Supported by dedicated, highly competent imaging specialists

  • Download product sheet
  • anpr-multimotor-1

    The rationale behind the MultiMotor ANPR AI

    Choose the best possible ANPR software

    Having the right ANPR software should be of prime concern for owners of ANPR systems. Since software cost is negligible compared to the value of increased revenues and reduced costs that comes with superior ANPR performance, owners should without doubt go for the best. However, when investing in ANPR systems, focus is often on hardware components such as cameras. Besides, why bother about ANPR software when every product on the market has a read rate close to 100 %? At least that is what the advertising claims.

    There is not one best ANPR software

    Every knowledgeable user of ANPR software knows that a 100 % read rate requires perfect conditions, which never is the case. And unfortunately, there is no clear answer to which ANPR software is the best. The answer is rather: it depends. It depends on the design of the number plates, weather conditions, illumination, speed of vehicle, etc. The fact is that each ANPR software has its strengths and its weaknesses.

    Why a MultiMotor ANPR AI

    Signatur ITS has for more than 10 years been optimizing ANPR systems for customers in tolling, parking and speed enforcement. We have tested and analyzed a lot of ANPR software on the market. The conclusion is clear; there is not one best. This is why we developed the MultiMotor ANPRAI.

    The MultiMotor ANPRAI utilizes several different ANPR software, incl. the customer’s in-house ANPR. The engines have been developed by leading suppliers. The setup with multiple engines allows us to take advantage of the strengths and reduce the weaknesses of the individual engine. Since they are commercially available products, improvements and upgrades made by the developers can swiftly be incorporated into the solution.

    The innovative core of the MultiMotor ANPRAI is the algorithm that analyzes and selects the one answer to be returned to the customer among a number of alternatives. This is far more difficult than it may seem. For example, simply having a majority voting rule has in fact proved to be value destroying! The setup with two separate servers for production and development is ideal for continuous learning and improvement. The large volume of production data can in this way be utilized for training AI/machine learning based methods. It is an established fact in AI-based innovation work that using the customer’s own, specific data for training algorithms, is totally superior compared to using general data.