Eliminating underperformance in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

Signatur ITS pushes the boundaries of technology and innovation in the ITS industry. Our staff, together with strategic partners, have the expertise and ingenuity to provide private and public customers with advanced and innovative solutions that give substantial, measurable benefits.

MultiMotor ANPRAI

Utilizing advanced interaction among several leading ANPR engines, combined with our own AI algorithms, the MultiMotor ANPRAI outperforms all traditional single-engine ANPR systems. We calibrate the solution to each customer's unique application, and then it continues to tailor itself to the customer's specific data to ensure optimal performance over time. MultiMotor ANPRAI can be delivered as a cloud/SaaS or on-premise solution.

Automatic Traffic Control (ATC)

With tailor-made AI algorithms for image matching and innovative, cutting-edge camera, illumination, and speed measuring modules developed together with our strategic partners, Signatur ITS has redefined the performance boundaries for a high-spec ATC system for point and average speed control operating in Nordic weather conditions. Road authorities need very effective systems to move closer to the zero-fatalities vision for traffic safety. Our brand new ATC system is an answer to their request.

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